African Mindset Project

According to Steve Biko, “The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed”. The agenda of the colonial and neo-colonial projects has always been to ensure that Africans should never believe in the totality of their being, either in this age or in the age to come. This agenda has been achieved through the manufacturing and cementing of a colonised and dehumanised African mindset. This is a mindset that does not believe in the markers of African identity such as culture, beliefs, values, practices, and even physical features. This mindset makes Africans believe that they are not able to solve their problems and that they have no capacity to contribute to global virtue and progress. In fact, Africans must believe that they are a scar that can only be healed by imperialists. They must believe that they are, by nature, the hewers of wood and drawers of water. They must believe that they are a creational disaster that must be bludgeoned into “civilisation”. They must perpetually aspire to be repackaged and validated by the West. It is against this background that the African Mindset Project seeks to build and restore a conscious and Pan-African mindset among Africans, especially young people.